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LA B2Bible

Overview of the Swiss B2B landscape

The only book about marketing and commercial challenges and practices of swiss companies


Managers of SMEs & large companies and experts interviewed


Hours of interviews condensed into an intuitive book


Pages of insights about the B2B environment in Switzerland


Key axis to understand and develop your marketing and sales in 2025

Since the birth of Nespresso, customer experience and satisfaction have been at the center of all commitments and actions. We pay the greatest attention to the journey of our customers by offering them the most suitable offers and experiences according to their preferences, their consumption and their wishes to discover the most suitable offers and experiences. To achieve this, we have implemented CRM tools capable of meeting this ambition.

Hervé Bellin
Directeur, Nespresso Professional

The absence of competition is not always a good thing, because it does not dynamize the market; the presence of competitors who work poorly is not positive either, as it risks damaging a market due to dissatisfied customers.

Farid Assaf
Président , Melioris SA

Beyond the evangelization necessary to allow a good understanding of the challenges and the undeniable advantages of our solutions, we must maximize touchpoints to ensure that we are known and considered by our prospects. And above all, to inform and support our future customers at each stage of their project.

Christophe Haldi
Fondateur et Ceo, eeproperty

The first reference book about B2B in Switzerland

With its unique fabric of SMEs and innovative companies, Switzerland is a highly B2B country. But how can we ensure its sustainability and growth in this very particular world? How to get noticed, build a relationship of trust, conclude a transaction and evolve with the challenges of digital technology?

Field research, backed by experts

Because no one knows B2B better than the players in the sector, we have collaborated with more than 150 managers of SMEs and large companies, along with B2B specialists. We talked about their vision, their advice, and their experience in the field.

The goal is clear: cope with the rapid evolution of marketing and sales with the specificities of B2B.

We want to establish a common strategic language. Both intuitive and effective, generating maximum synergy within the company.

With this study, you have really put your finger on a subject that concerns us on a daily basis. In B2B, we are often locked into our sectors and forget to share our common challenges.
Apparitions média et conférences

An deep dive in 3 parts


Get familiar with our approach and the key aspects of B2B.
What are its characteristics? How do you approach growth? What is the role of marketing?

The new B2B logic

B2B is in full transformation, mainly due to digital technology and new buying habits. Understand how modern shoppers behave, dive into the increasingly complex buying journey, and find out what approach companies are taking.

Our "Thought box"

Structured in 4 areas - Strategy, Brand and Communication, Customer Acquisition, and Sales, explore the key issues of marketing and sales practices in B2B. Find concrete cases thanks to excerpts from our interviews with more than 150 managers and experts from SMEs and large companies.

Find answers to your questions

What are the challenges to overcome in order to ensure the growth of Swiss B2B companies?
How has selling evolved? Is it being modernized? What are the new tools and approaches?
How is B2B marketing changing? What is its impact? What is its role?
What are the latest beneficial digital tools? Which ones are really useful and used?
Is Switzerland up to date with international practices, especially in the digital sector?
What are the preferred growth areas for Swiss companies?

Take advantage of the Early-bird rate until December 21

Pre-order the B2Bible to receive it at the beginning of the year, at a preferential rate.


Let's meet to talk about marketing and sales issues in B2B

Do you want to participate in a private conference?
Contact us and we will do our best to reserve your place.

Upcoming events

Séminaire en marketing digital
Marketing digital à l’ère de l’IA : solutions concrètes pour PME et indépendants.
Conférence et workshop

Informations et inscription ↗︎
Centre Patronal, Paudex

Past events

Webinaire CREA
Les secrets de la croissance commerciale B2B en Suisse
Accéder au replay ↗︎
En ligne
GlobalTech Summit & BuildingTrust in Health
sur invitation
Hôtel Beau-Rivage Palace, Lausanne
Learning Breakfast, Michael Page
Frédéric Gaiani - Directeur commercial chez Tipee
Celso Da Costa - Directeur Marketing chez EMS

Retours sur la conférence ↗︎
La Fer, Genève
Digital Series
Avenir Industrie Valais
Hydro Exploitation, Martigny
Learning Breakfast, Michael Page
sur invitation
HEC, Lausanne
Marketing Vaud
Hervé Bellin - Directeur B2B Nespresso Suisse
Celso Da Costa - Directeur Marketing chez EMS
Olivier Frei - Senior B2B Marketing Professional à Elca
Vaudois Aréna, Lausanne

About Botte Secrète

A winning combination for B2B; from strategy to execution

Active for more than 10 years in B2B, our agency combines strategic, editorial, creative and technological profiles.
Basée à Lausanne, notre équipe aide des entreprises dans toute la Suisse à relever leurs défis de croissance.